Elwing's Flight

Thoughts from a girl as she flies over the sea.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Green is a really nice color.

I like it. It reminds me of... I bet you can't guess... Ireland! Dancing!! YAY!!!

No, this is not a permanent change. I did it in honor of St. Patrick's Day next week. A very legitimate excuse.

Oh, by the way, I put a picture in for my profile! If you look close enough, you can make out my face. What, you don't see me? Well, sorry. It must be your eyes! Go get them checked.

Okay, okay. Actually it's a picture of Loch Katrine in Scotland. A part of my clan (MacGregor) used to live there. I just thought it was pretty.

For some reason Blogger won't let me comment on anyone else's blogs today, so I thought I'd respond to Sara's, the post where she asked if anyone ever thought we were older than we are. Well, that doesn't usually happen to me! I think I look a couple years younger than I am, and most people when they compare Hannah and me think she's the older sister and I'm two years younger. I think Hannah sometimes is concerned that it hurts my feelings or something, but to tell the truth, I think it's just hilarious. I get a kick out of it every time it happens! Of course, I've got the good side: looking younger will be a VERY nice thing when we're forty years old!

Just kidding! Hmm... I think I'll talk about humility next week, right? ;-) Hehe... I'll probably look quite my age when I'm forty (or older than I am, more likely!). :-D

But anyway: Because 1. I'm short, 2. I just look young, and 3. I can be very goofy if I have a mind to (though people who compare on me on that to Hannah must not know Hannah!!!), most people think I'm younger. But not one particular time! I do have one story, Sara, and in my own loooooong roundabout way I'm finally going to tell you (though I'm sure you've heard it, like fifty million times)! Well, I was, like, 14 or 15 years old, and we went shopping at Ross. Susanna and I were outside the fitting room waiting for Mom to finish (Susie was 5 years old). The guy at the counter had been looking at us a little funny, and it was freaking me out. Finally he said, "Is that your daughter?" I just about screamed. "NO! She's my little sister!" Then he said, "Good, because if she were, I'd have to slap your parents for you."

So yeah. The whole exchange was rather on the freaky side. I was thinking later that if I had actually had Susie for a daughter, I would have been 9 1/2 when she was born, which obviously couldn't have happened! So therefore he must have thought I was at least 17 or so... but overall the fact that someone thought I was older didn't make up for the awful freakiness of it all. Not worth it. Grr.... That guy certainly had a lot of nerve to say that!

Sara, you know I've always thought the story about you and Ryan and Lora in McDonald's was absolutely hilarious. If you haven't heard it already, go read it on Sara's wonderful blog. The link is in the sidebar. Hehe... I know what you mean about Eric, Sara. It's always nice to have him with you at concerts... or restaurants... or stores... or anywhere! Sigh... I wish I had brothers!! Although, actually, I do... brothers in Christ! Thank you Stevo, Kev, Chris, both Calebs, and all the rest of my great guy friends! You guys rock.

You know what? I just read back over this whole post and came to the conclusion that you must have already come to: It's very weird. Like my mood right now. See ya!


  • At 3/11/2005 9:20 PM, Blogger frisbeegurl said…

    Haha Rache you crack me up!! Your blog is cool much cooler than myne haha!! Btw.. Stephen is FINALLY making a blog!! Yay Stephen!!! And that story is pretty funny!! Lol I think you've already told me!! But it still makes me laugh!! Haha!!!

  • At 3/11/2005 9:55 PM, Blogger Herohtar said…

    Wow, I’m famous! My name has been on two blogs in one day! (I am one of those Calebs, right? Or maybe you *do* need to talk about humility next, eh? :-D ) Yeah, I think I have to agree with you; your post is definitely weird... your whole site actually... you, in fact. ;-) But hey, so am I, so don’t worry; you’re in good company.

  • At 3/11/2005 10:06 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    Thank you, thank you. *Takes a bow* Weirdness is my specialty. YAY for Stevo for making a blog!! He'd better send me the link! Caleb, which Caleb are you? "Ohtarher" Caleb or Caleb Kaitlin's brother? I was pretty sure you were the first, but I wasn't sure since you didn't sign your name that way. But yes, if it was any of you, you were one of the Calebs mentioned. :-D

  • At 3/11/2005 10:07 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    And Sara, my blog is SO not cooler than yours. So THERE.

  • At 3/12/2005 12:27 PM, Blogger Herohtar said…

    Heh, I guess it might help to sign my name seeing as how there are several Calebs... this (and the other comment) is "Ohtarher" Caleb, lol. Or I could just change my display name, like this. :-D


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