Elwing's Flight

Thoughts from a girl as she flies over the sea.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Quiz thing I found on Sara's blog.


Ten random things about me:

1) I love St. Patrick's Day!!!!
2) I have to go get my allergy shots in 2 minutes.
3) Like Sara, I love crazy colorful socks. Especially dancing in them.
4) One of my favorite Celtic bands has the name "Old Blind Dogs."
5) I'm turning 18 on April 25.
6) I have a HUGE imagination
7) I talk to the little green men.
8) #7 was a joke.
9) I'm allergic to watermelon.
10) One of my favorite verses is Zephaniah 3:17. Especially the version where it ends "He will dance over you with shouts of joy as on a day of festival."

Nine ways to win my heart (Win my heart? AUUUGGGHHH!!! Not at this age! No, don't even think about it hehe. But I guess I'll tell you anyway...):

1) By loving God more than me (and having a very strong relationship with Jesus)
2) Integrity
3) By being sensitive to the feelings of others.
4) By having a respect for me and for others, especially authority figures in his life (this includes nice chivalry type stuff... I love it when guys open doors for me and things like that!)
5) By having a wonderful sense of humor, but not at the expense of others (teasing is fine, as long as it isn't hurtful. See #3!)
6) By having a heart that is ready and willing to serve.
7) By being humble
8) By being willing to listen
9) By being a good, strong leader without being bossy

Eight things I want to do before I die:

1) Live in Ireland and/or Scotland for at least a year.
2) Lead a close friend to Christ.
3) See God do some amazing things with my love for dancing.
4) Sing a solo sometime... can't guarantee it would sound all that great, though.
5) Become (God-willing!!) really good at all the different forms of dancing I do (plus some more... I want to try Highland sometime). Not for my own glory.
6) Stay at our friends' house in St. Louis without getting asthma.
7) Go through the mountains without getting carsick.
8) Make sure ALL my friends and my family know I love them a lot a WHOLE lot.

Seven things that annoy me:

1) My selfishness.
2) People who are content with being shallow.
3) Christians who are too legalistic and judgmental.
4) Christians who are too liberal.
5) Whenever I get tongue-tied (it's usually when I start thinking, "I'm not going to get tongue-tied!")
6) When Christians think all dancing is bad (thankfully, I haven't been all that exposed to this!).
7) Rhymes and clichés in Bible studies! (LOL, you know what I'm talking about Plasma people!!) Here's the worst I've found so far—it just about made me gag: "God's solution is plain: Don't repress it; confess it! Don't conceal it; reveal it. Revealing your feeling is the beginning of healing." That's from "The Purpose Driven Life," which we're going through in Plasma right now. It's a good book, but man, if you want clichés and cheesy rhymes, that's where you need to go! Not to mention all the different versions of the same question....

Six things I love to do:

1) Be with my friends
2) DANCE!! And choreograph....
3) Read the Bible
4) Listen to music
5) Sing
6) Compose music on the piano and hammered dulcimer

Five things I'm afraid of:

1) Hurting someone else.
2) Being alone... if no one else cared for me.
3) Someone I love not loving me back.
4) Being attacked by Satan and his demons, but I know Who's stronger.
5) Bugs. :D

Four of my favorite things:

1) My Bible
2) All my journals (I've kept a journal since I was 8!)
3) Magaidh, Màiri, Colin, and Niall (my dance shoes!)
4) My cds (if you haven't noticed, I'm sort of cheating by making things plural—it's too hard to decide!!)

Three things I do everyday:

1) Think (too much)
2) Dream
3) Talk to God

Two things I want to do right now:

1) Be in Heaven!
2) Lie around the house since it's my only day free for months.

One person I want to see right now.

1) Jesus


  • At 3/16/2005 10:50 PM, Blogger Herohtar said…

    You talk to the little green men too?!?! What?? oh... it was a joke? Aww, I thought I'd finally found someone else who knew about them too... :-(

    "can't guarantee it would sound all that great, though." Hah! I've heard you sing in choir; it would sound awesome! You and Sara both need to do solos. Hmm... I'm going to have to talk to someone about that...

    Yes! It is so annoying to get tongue-tied! It usually happens to me when I'm really excited or trying to explain something cool to someone (which, I guess, is also when I'm excited) and I'm just like "uh... arg! I know the word!" or else I say stuff backwards. :-S

    So anyway, there's my two cents on that post. ;-D

    I'd better go; we're finishing up moving in to the new church building so that's where I'll be all day tomorrow. Lots of painting to be done. We get to tear down some walls too! w00t!

  • At 3/16/2005 11:44 PM, Blogger Herohtar said…

    Hey, just curious... do you read my blog?

  • At 3/17/2005 9:14 AM, Blogger Rachel said…

    No, because I didn't know you had one. *slaps head* Duh! Of course you do! Send me the link and I'll get myself over there! :D

  • At 3/17/2005 9:54 AM, Blogger Herohtar said…

    Lol, well, from the comments you just posted it looks like you found my blog on your own... but here's the link anyway for future reference: A really cool blog ;-D

  • At 3/17/2005 4:56 PM, Blogger £l §tévó said…

    Right on the 7th thing that annoys you! I feel your pain!


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