Elwing's Flight

Thoughts from a girl as she flies over the sea.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Yep, it's another prayer request! I'm very overwhelmed right now. I have so much to think about and I'm worrying too much. Some of what I'm worried about, like my government class thing next week, and its dress code, has to do with just me. Other stuff might slightly concern me, but it isn't something I should be worrying about, because I'm not in control of it. Like, it's something that really someone else in the family should be taking care of, but I have this tendency to take a problem that's floating around and make it my own, if it concerns me in the slightest bit. And then, I sometimes get obsessed with trying to make everyone happy, so I grill myself over the slightest mistake and commit myself to stuff that I'll overwhelm myself doing. I'll get it done, but I'll make myself miserable in the process. Which is really stupid, because all I need to to is give it to God, and then I won't have to worry about it anymore.

I can't go into detail about all the different problems I'm dealing with right now (there are, like, 20), but I will say this: I shouldn't be dealing with them. I need to give them all to God, and I need to leave some of them well enough alone in the hands of others.

You know, I think the thing God has been trying to instill in me this whole school year is joy. I've certainly failed a bunch of the tests He's given me, so I'd really appreciate your prayers now. Thanks guys.

And, I just wanted to let you know, I do have a tendency to write when I'm feeling down. So I hope you guys don't think I'm depressed or anything—I'm not. You guys know me, and if I act my usual happy self around you, it's because I AM happy. It's just that I think I've been on some sort of roller coaster for the past year, and although my ups are definitely longer and much much higher than my downs, I tend to write when I'm at my lowest. Just thought I'd make sure you knew. :) Seriously, I'll try to write when I'm happy, too.

Oh my gosh, have you noticed how many "I's" are in this post? I think about myself WAY too much. I'm so doggone selfish. I keep thinking that sometime maybe God will take some of that selfishness away like I've been asking Him to, but I have a feeling it won't be completely gone until heaven. Since selfishness is practically the sin all other sins come from anyhow. Okay, I'm done talking about myself now.

Guys, if you have any prayer requests of your own, tell me! I hate asking you guys all the time and never returning the favor. :)


  • At 3/23/2005 12:24 AM, Blogger Herohtar said…

    Hey, don't feel bad about asking for prayer all the time! That's what we're here for. :-)

    You should write some when you're happy too though... ;-D

  • At 3/24/2005 6:10 PM, Blogger frisbeegurl said…

    Rachel Magruder!! Don't worry about next week! I really think you and Hannah will enjoy it alot. I didn't enjoy it personally.. But I really think you and Hannah will. You'll learn a whole lot of neat stuff. And the best part is.. Prayer walks every day!! And devotionals every day!! That was soo awesome!! Don't worry.. about the dress code. Ok if you are the slightest bit worried about what you are wearing, just wear a jacket over you're outfit. I promise that is the best thing to do. AND OHH MY GOSH!! You are NOT selfish.. You and Hannah, are the two most un selfish people I know.. I seriously mean that.... I mean why else would you try to make everyone happy?? Rachel Magruder I love you girl!! And yes I will be praying for you!!
    Luv ya!!!

  • At 3/24/2005 8:42 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    Sara, I love you! You are so encouraging!! Thank you so much!

    And yes, Caleb, I'll write when I'm happy (I am now!)! Sometime when I have the time, but probably not tonight!


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