Elwing's Flight

Thoughts from a girl as she flies over the sea.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Why our family is most definitely weirder than yours

Okay, it's late and I should be getting to bed, but I had to recount to you all an event that happened today during supper. I'm not usually big on potato soup but for some reason it was really good tonight. Nice and creamy. But in the midst of all our contented slurping, Mom and Susanna decided to demonstrate to the rest of us the "new thing" in Vegas. What? You haven't heard? Where have you been? It's sumo wrestling, of course.

So anyway, Susie and Mom proceed to get up from the table, assume the sumo wrestling stance, and demonstrate a sample sumo wrestling match, complete with many... noises, a few of which I came to the conclusion might possibly be a pathetic attempt at Japanese. The match went fairly quickly. In a few blinks of an eye Mom was holding Susie off the ground, but then all action stopped as Susanna yelled, "No, I'M supposed to win!" and Mom replied, "Oh, okay." After the brief pause action resumed and Susanna soon valiantly pushed Mom onto the couch and sat on her. They then proceeded to do some sort of ritual, with lots of head-nodding and hand-clasping and more of those noises that might have been Japanese gone very bad.

After they had reached their quota of gestures and pseudo-Japanese, they came back to the table to their potato soup (Dad had likely eaten half of Susanna's while she was gone). For the rest of the dinner we talked about more normal stuff like tactics to make a bird sing, dancing for James Garner, the meaning of life, whether peas should be allowed in potato soup, and other all-consuming thoughts of utmost importance.

Hmm... now that I wrote all this out, I'm realizing my mistake.... Actually, guys, this is a rather normal day. You should see one of our weird ones.

On second thought, maybe you shouldn't.


  • At 10/12/2005 12:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    haha! that's great! I notice you didn't mention Hannah. Your dad sounds very normal acually.

    hehe! You should tell us more what your normal (and weird!) days are like! :D

  • At 10/12/2005 2:26 PM, Blogger £l §tévó said…

    At least your weird and normal days sound fun. My family's boring or just too bizarre to be funny.

  • At 10/12/2005 4:48 PM, Blogger Herohtar said…

    Lol... that's awesome. Yeah, where was Hannah? Hey, that's it; you could just become a sumo wrestler, and Susanna can be your trainer.

  • At 10/12/2005 9:18 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    Sorry, Caleb... that's just not going to happen. And you know I've decided to be a secret agent. Spies are way cooler than sumo wrestlers; even you should know that.

  • At 10/13/2005 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is an obvious example of how homeschooling results in dysfunctional family life due to a severe lack of socialization. Surely you will flunk out of college. ; ) By the way, I have a picture of Susanna and your dad from the newspaper.

  • At 10/13/2005 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, I don't know how to make birds sing, but I do know that if we could understand what they were saying...we'd be driven completely out of our minds! Seriously, all they talk about is how to fly! They go on and on about lift, thrust, weight, and drag, and how the wind is today. (Don't those things know all you have to do is fall and miss the ground!?!) And, what's more, they're EVERYWHERE! Everywhere...

  • At 10/16/2005 12:08 AM, Blogger Herohtar said…

    Did I say anything about sumo wrestlers being cooler? I was just pointing out some options...


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