Elwing's Flight

Thoughts from a girl as she flies over the sea.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Finals are definitely less fun than being trampled by a pack of screaming lemurs.

Current mood: irritated
Category: School, College, Greek


I love linguistics, and I had a great class this year and a great teacher, but WHY THE HECK DID THE STUPID FINAL HAVE TO BE 2 1/2 HOURS LONG?!?!?!? The freakin thing was like 10 pages long... 10 pages full of a million things to remember and analyze and write and essay about and argue for and against and work my brain to pieces.... It was definitely one of the hardest finals I've ever taken. What made it worse was that for some reason unbeknownst to me, I was the most anxious; the most tense I have ever been for any test. I was shaking the whole 2 1/2 hours. It was horrible... I felt like throwing up. I almost never get like that.

I think I did okay, though. Not extremely great, but I didn't flunk it, I don't think. I think I'll still get an A in the class.

I felt so bad after that final though... Stephen drove me home and helped me relax a bit. I collapsed on the couch, and I ended up taking a nap after he left. I've been so short on sleep lately because of my stomach problems, so I'm sure that's part of all this. But anyway, I couldn't go to Wildlife, which just about killed me because it's shepherding groups and I missed last week, too. :( But it felt so nice to just lay there and not move. After awhile I felt alive enough to eat something, and I'm feeling better now. So yay.

But I'm ready for finals to be OVER.

Monday, December 11, 2006

More catching up...

This is a good way to procrastinate on finals. :)


Saturday, November 04, 2006


Current mood: hopeful
Category: Life

First of all, thank you everyone for being so encouraging to me! A few things have happened since I last wrote, so I thought I'd fill you all in.... Let's see, I went to the doctor not too long after I wrote, and he thinks it's just that my stomach produces way too much acid. He gave me this medicine to take for a month, and it's been helping a lot... I don't get sick every time I eat anymore, and if I do, it's usually a long time afterwards instead of the moment after I finish or while I'm still eating like it was before. I've also got my appetite back, for the most part, and I can eat decent portions of food. So yay!!! But that isn't to say the problem is solved yet... I still feel sick almost once a day, and I haven't had much of an appetite for supper. I don't think we've quite gotten to the bottom of this yet, and I still need prayer. But it is a lot better, and I feel like I can actually behave more like a normal person again. :) Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! I love all of you!


Currently listening :
Black Holes and Revelations
By Muse


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Not as we expected.

Current mood: thankful
Category: Life

...life never is. As long as He's making us more like His Son, God isn't content with stagnant complacency. We must be changed, we must grow, and if that means our lives from our point of view are turned upside-down in the process, then hallelujah! He knows what's best for us, and we can trust in His love.

My life isn't exactly upside-down right now, but I thought it was about time that I posted another update. The last one ended up being written a bit too hastily. Turns out the medicine didn't help, and I was still stuck with the same problems as ever. But we've turned a corner, I think. And I know that had a lot to do with prayer! One week in particular, I was feeling especially bad and I asked many people to pray for me. I was starting to feel really scared... all the millions of horrid possibilities of what could be wrong with me started coming down on my head. I looked up a few of my worst fears on the internet, and it didn't help to see that I had some of the same symptoms as someone might have with stomach cancer, for instance. I couldn't stand it anymore... something needed to happen to get me out of this rut, and God would have to be the one to make it happen, I knew. So I prayed even harder... and I asked others to pray too. And it seemed like even if I wasn't asking I would hear that others were praying for me, anyway. It was really encouraging.

And God did make something happen. That same week my parents were able to get a hold of a new doctor and some other people who had really great suggestions. It's a long story, but a week or so ago we pretty much came to the conclusion that I'm celiac... in other words, I'm gluten intolerant, which means that my body can't handle anything with wheat and some other grains in it. At first that idea was really hard for me to deal with because being gluten intolerant requires a huge diet change. At first, I thought I wouldn't be able to eat out anywhere or have almost any of my favorite foods anymore, for the rest of my life. But my parents did some research and it looks like it might not be that bad after all. There's gluten-free food in many restaurants and also there's some good substitutes for flour and other stuff. Plus, there's a huge amount of people who are gluten intolerant, so there's more resources and help available.

So I feel a bit better about it now, though it's still hard. It's certainly better than stomach cancer, though! I'm really thankful for what God's been doing. This has all been a huge growing experience for me. I've learned that I really don't have very much faith, and I have a really hard time with hope, as well. But God's working on me in those areas and I feel confident that when I feel better (and I actually believe I'll feel better someday, now) I'll be so much better off for having gone through all this.

Thank you all so much for your encouragement and prayers! I would still appreciate your prayers, as this is a long, hard road, and I'm still struggling a lot. Pray that I would be healed, if it's God's will. I know He will help me.

I love you all!


Currently listening :
By Skillet


Sigh... enough procrastination... finals = bleh.

That pretty much updates you all, though. Hopefully after school's over I can write something more. Hope you all are doing well and my prayers are with you all for your finals!
